The structural markup tags describe the purpose of the text. These consist of heading <h1> to <h6> and paragraph <p> tags. Most browsers display these in default style but we can use Cascading style sheet (CSS) to style the contents of a webpage. Sometimes style attribute is also used in the tags to format the HTML document.
The presentation markup tags describe the appearance of the text, irrespective of its purpose. Some of the presentation tags are listed in this table.
<strong> | Define strong text. Strong here indicates important information. A screen-recorder software will interpret the <b> and <strong> tags differently. Most browser display <strong> as bold text. |
<b> | Define bold text. This is only for visual effect. |
<big> | Defines big text. |
<small> | Define small text. |
<i> | Define text in italics. This is only for visual effect. |
<em> | Define emphasized text. This tag indicates emphatic or important text to the screen reader software. it is displayed as italics in most browsers. |
<sup> | Defines superscrited text. |
<sub> | Define subscripted text. |
Hypertext markup is used to link elements of HTML to other elements on the same page or another HTML page.
The anchor<a> tag is used for this purpose. It creates hyperlink in the document by using its href attribute. Images in HTML can also be made into hyperlinks.
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